Karbino rebels defeat government force in central Darfur

The Sudan Liberation Army faction under the command of Ali Karbino defeated a government force in the area Tukumarre, one of the movement’s field commanders told Radio Dabanga. Fierce clashes raged in the area from morning to evening on Tuesday.

The Sudan Liberation Army faction under the command of Ali Karbino defeated a government force in the area Tukumarre, one of the movement’s field commanders told Radio Dabanga. Fierce clashes raged in the area from morning to evening on Tuesday.Saeed Bahar, a field commander of the movement, told Radio Dabanga that their forces managed to destroy seven enemy vehicles and capture 13 soldiers. They forced the military to retreat from the region.

Aerial bombardment was reported throughout the day yesterday in areas east of Jebel Marra. Radio Dabanga could not immediately reach the army spokesman for comment. He had told Radio Dabanga earlier that the army is conducting a large-scale search operation in the region.

