Humanitarian truce welcomed in Sudan and abroad

(File photo: WFP / Photolibrary)


The agreement on a seven-day short-term ceasefire and humanitarian arrangements, signed in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia on Saturday, which becomes effective at 21:45 (Khartoum time GMT+2) this evening, has been welcomed by government, political, and civil society organisations within Sudan and abroad.

In an official statement, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) welcomed the signing of the Jeddah agreement and affirmed its full commitment to the ceasefire, and to work to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid and open passages for civilians. The RSF affirmed its determination to implement the security and military reform program in order to achieve stability.

The Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomed the agreement, and  affirmed the commitment of the government of Sudan to the provisions of the agreement, and expressed its hope that the agreement would achieve the goals for which it was signed, and alleviate the suffering of the heroic Sudanese people as a result of the war.

‘Sudanese blood is precious’

The Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister, Prince Faisal bin Abdul Rahman, states that “Sudanese blood is precious,” stressing his country’s keenness on stability and security of Sudan. In media statements following the signing of the ceasefire, he thanked the two parties for their position and cooperation in reaching this agreement. “The people of Sudan are waiting for this, and this, God willing, will bring a lot of good,” he says.

The USA, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and the Gulf Cooperation Council welcomed the agreement.

“It is time to silence the guns and allow unimpeded humanitarian access,” US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said in a post on Twitter.

“I appeal to both sides to uphold this agreement, and the eyes of the world are watching,” he added.

Trilateral mechanism

The AU-IGAD-UN Trilateral Mechanism also lauded the agreement, and called on the two parties to respect the ceasefire to facilitate the delivery of aid. It also called on the two parties to abide by the ceasefire.

The international community called on humanitarian actors “to urgently unite their efforts to support the Sudanese people during these critical times”.

Political forces

The opposition Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC), the National Umma Party, Sudanese Congress Party, Sudan Liberation Movement under the leadership of Minni Minawi (SLM-MM) all issued separate statements welcoming the agreement.

The SLM-MM specifically affirmed its commitment to neutrality, warning against any political process based on the reference of the framework agreement, which it says was a main reason for “igniting the fire of sedition”.

The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N, Revolutionary Front) welcomed the agreement, stressing the need to continue negotiations to stop the fighting.

 She also stressed the intensification of work to create a climate for dialogue and return to the path of building a state of peace, equal citizenship and sustainable development.

Bar association

The Bar Association Steering Committee welcomed the signing, expressing hope that the agreement “paves the way for people to receive humanitarian aid and helps to restore basic services such as water and electricity supply and communications. It will also help in restoring health services in the country. The association called on the parties to abide by the agreement and to continue dialogue and consultation in order to resolve the crisis.

