Heavy rainstorms hit West Darfur

Shelters of refugees and displaced persons particularly vulnerable

Shelters of refugees and displaced persons particularly vulnerable

Heavy rainstorms have contin ued to lash West Darfur since Wednesday leading to loss of goods and property.

The downpour on the towns of Mornei, Wadi Saleh, For Baranga, Habila, Kereinek and Riyadh in West Darfur has especially left the shelters of refugees and displaced persons vulnerable. The rainstorms have caused the collapse of houses and schools and damage to goods and food supplies in the affected areas.

A displaced person from Mornei Camp reported to Radio Dabanga, that the heavy rains, which hit the area on Wednesday, led to the destruction of 600 houses and make-shift shelters of tents, cardboards and plastic sheets.

Another displaced person from Wadi Saleh said that heavy rains washed away more than 30 houses south of Garsila, on Wednesday and Thursday. Sources in Habila, For Baranga, Kereinek and Riyadh gave similar reports of heavy rains severely damaging their homes, goods and food stocks.

The displaced people appealed to humanitarian organizations and government authorities, to speed up the provision of tarpaulins, tents, medicine and food. A leader of the displaced people from West Darfur told Radio Dabanga, that they also need assistance with drainage, as countless water puddles will make living conditions harder.


