Health Ministry: 360 active COVID-19 cases in Sudan

The Federal Ministry of Health announced the registration of 11 deaths from COVID-19 on Sunday, with 64 confirmed cases and 360 active cases. In its daily epidemiological report on Monday, the ministry reported that 43 cases were recorded in Khartoum, 12 cases in Northern State, one case in Kassala, three in River Nile state, two in El Gezira, in addition to three cases from private laboratories (International Hospital).

Cartoon by Omar Dafallah (RD)

The Federal Ministry of Health announced the registration of 11 deaths from COVID-19 on Sunday, with 64 confirmed cases and 360 active cases. In its daily epidemiological report on Monday, the ministry reported that 43 cases were recorded in Khartoum, 12 cases in Northern State, one case in Kassala, three in River Nile state, two in El Gezira, in addition to three cases from private laboratories (International Hospital).

The report indicated that 11 deaths were recorded, including five in the state of Khartoum, one in North Kordofan, two in Northern State, two in River Nile state, and one in White Nile state. In addition, there are 360 active cases so far in the country.

The Ministry of Health in North Darfur announced an outbreak of Dengue fever, malaria, and viral hepatitis, explaining that Dengue fever has become endemic in the state.

The Director of the Ministry of Health, Mujtaba El Tijani, said in a press conference on Monday afternoon in El Fasher that the state government is making efforts to eradicate Dengue fever, which is endemic in Naivasha camp for the displaced near Shangil Tobaya in Dar El Salam locality in North Darfur.

There is a significant increase in the number of malaria cases, as the number of cases reached more than 11,000 cases recorded within a week.

El Tijani described the number as large compared to previous years. “North Darfur is witnessing a significant increase in the incidence of malaria and Dengue fever these days.” He attributed this to the high rates of mosquito breeding this year. He admitted that there is a shortage of medical personnel.

