Gunmen rape 18 year old woman

Two gunmen raped a young displaced woman in Kassab camp, North Darfur on Wednesday October 10, Radio Dabanga has learned. A witness told Radio Dabanga that the gunmen arrived on camels and attacked five displaced women when they were on their way back to the camp from nearby farms. The gunmen seized one of the displaced, a 18 year old woman, and raped her several times. The four others managed to escape from the insurgents and fled back to the camp.The witness explained that the incident was reported to the police, UNAMID as well as the Sudanese armed forces. The perpetrators have not yet been persecuted, the witness continued. He noted that rape incidents keep reoccurring, without any action of police or UNAMID troops, the witness continued.Gunmen break into the camp at night time with the purpose of raping women and looting properties, he added to Radio Dabanga from Kassab camp.

Two gunmen raped a young displaced woman in Kassab camp, North Darfur on Wednesday October 10, Radio Dabanga has learned.

A witness told Radio Dabanga that the gunmen arrived on camels and attacked five displaced women when they were on their way back to the camp from nearby farms.

The gunmen seized one of the displaced, a 18 year old woman, and raped her several times. The four others managed to escape from the insurgents and fled back to the camp.

The witness explained that the incident was reported to the police, UNAMID as well as the Sudanese armed forces. The perpetrators have not yet been persecuted, the witness continued.

He noted that rape incidents keep reoccurring, without any action of police or UNAMID troops, the witness continued.

Gunmen break into the camp at night time with the purpose of raping women and looting properties, he added to Radio Dabanga from Kassab camp.

