Government-backed forces commit atrocities

Rape reported in Mornei; repeated harassment by drunken troops in GarsilaA refugee from West Darfur’s Mornei camp sustained serious injuries in the head on Wednesday after suffering an attack from armed men in military uniforms.

Rape reported in Mornei; repeated harassment by drunken troops in Garsila

A refugee from West Darfur’s Mornei camp sustained serious injuries in the head on Wednesday after suffering an attack from armed men in military uniforms.The injured was rushed to the hospital for treatment, one of her relatives told Radio Dabanga. The victim was stopped by the gunmen, suspected to be government-backed militia, while she was on her way back to the camp from a farm.

The armed men attempted to rape the refugee and when she resisted, they beat her fiercely with rifle butts and bayonets, which led to severe head injuries and wounds on her chest and neck.

She had to undergo an emergency surgery because of the serious nature of her injuries, the relative said.

On the other hand, refugees from the camps in Garsila, West Darfur, complained on Wednesday of frequent attacks by drunk government troops.

The incidences were reported to have taken place in Jebalin, Hardeba and Jeddah camps in Garsila.

One of the refugees, whose name Radio Dabanga must conceal for his own protection, said, “The border guard forces and Abu Tira (central reserve forces) routinely threatened and attacked women and young people on the streets as well as in their homes. These incidences normally occur when they leave the bars.”

The attacks often involve heavy gunfire which spreads panic and fear among the camp residents.

