French and Dutch delegations visit UNAMID

French and Dutch delegations were yesterday in North Darfur to meet with UNAMID leaders, gain knowledge and identify areas in possible need of support.

French and Dutch delegations were yesterday in North Darfur to meet with UNAMID leaders, gain knowledge and identify areas in possible need of support.The two donor countries were represented by a representative of the French Foreign Ministry’s Permanent Mission to the UN, Mr. Frederic Jung and his team. They were received by UNAMID Deputy Joint Special Representative Mohamed Yonis and Mission senior officials.

“They were briefed on UNAMID’s mandate and achievements and discussed the many challenges to its work,” according to a statement issued yesterday by the peacekeeping mission.

Ms. Caecilia Wijgers, head of the UN department of the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs led a five-person delegation to Mellit, 60km north of El Fasher, where they met with UNAMID peacekeepers and local officials.

