9 dead from malnutrition in Garsila, suffering increases at Kalma Camp

Nine displaced people died from malnutrition in Garsila in the last two weeks at Jeddah, Al Jiblein and Ardiba camps, according to health sources in the region. One of the camp elders told Radio Dabanga that no food aid has reached them during the last three months.

Nine displaced people died from malnutrition in Garsila in the last two weeks at Jeddah, Al Jiblein and Ardiba camps, according to health sources in the region. One of the camp elders told Radio Dabanga that no food aid has reached them during the last three months. He explained that most of those who died in the camp are elderly or children. He appealed to aid organizations to expedite the provision of food for the displaced.

In Kalma Camp, aid organizations reduced food rations. One of the elders of Kalma Camp told Radio Dabanga that food is being distributed to them at a quarter of the amount per card that it had been in the past. They now receive a ration that can last for one week rather than one month. The sheikh said that women consequently had to take up service work in districts of Nyala town, while others are working in gardens throughout the day for 1 pound only.

In another report from Garsila, two gunmen wearing military uniforms stormed the house of one woman in the northern district of the city and stole the sum of 100 pounds. A relative said neighbors rushed to the rescue of the victim but the gunmen opened fire in the air and they ran away. The police have been informed but have not made any arrests.  

