Five injured in robbery of busses in Darfur

Five people were injured, including two seriously wounded, in a violent robbery on Monday morning in West Darfur. The robbers were heavily armed and targeted passenger buses on their way to Nyala.

Five people were injured, including two seriously wounded, in a violent robbery on Monday morning in West Darfur. The robbers were heavily armed and targeted passenger buses on their way to Nyala.The robbery in the Khor Garaa area of Niertete Locality left five people injured, those being  Adam Al Suri, Yahia Adam Ibrahim, a woman named Nadia and another person. A witness told Radio Dabanga that the attackers consisted of an armed force using a Land Cruiser mounted with a duskha cannon.  They halted buses coming from the town of Niertete en route to Nyala at 8:00 of the morning yesterday region.

The gunmen severely beat the passengers and cursed them before looting money and property. A witness said the sum looted amounted to more than 100 thousand pounds. The robbers also took more than 70 mobile phones and other personal belongings , the witness said the wounded were taken to the Kass for treatment.

