Evening demonstrations all over Sudan and solidarity rallies abroad

Demonstrations were held in Khartoum, Khartoum North, Omdurman, Sennar, El Obeid, Kassala, and near Hasaheisa in El Gezira on Tuesday and Wednesday evening. The demonstrations were called for by the Alliance for Freedom and Change. Demonstrations are planned for Thursday evening June 20 as well.

Demonstrations were held in Khartoum, Khartoum North, Omdurman, Sennar, El Obeid, Kassala, and near Hasaheisa in El Gezira on Tuesday and Wednesday evening. The demonstrations were called for by the Alliance for Freedom and Change. Demonstrations are planned for Thursday evening June 20 as well.

The demonstrators chanted slogans calling for the overthrow of the military junta, the handing over of power to civilians, condemning the massacre at the General Command on June 3 and demanding an independent and transparent investigation into this massacre.

On Wednesday, people in Shabsha in White Nile state staged a massive demonstration demanding that those who killed the protestors will be punished.


The Sudanese communities in Australia, Canada and Indonesia organised rallies condemning the massacre in front of the General Command in Khartoum on June 3, and demanding civil rule. The Kenyan authorities broke up a protest in Nairobi, organised by Sudanese and Kenyans in solidarity with the events in Sudan.

Troika meeting in Berlin

Members of the Sudanese Professionals Association abroad said they should take part in the meeting of the Sudan Troika (USA, the UK, and Norway) in Berlin Friday June 21, where also the European Union, the African Union, Germany, France, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Egypt will be present. At this meeting the transfer of power in Sudan to a civilian government will be discussed.


