Sudan Troika to meet in Berlin on June 21

The Sudan Troika (USA, the UK, and Norway) will meet in the German capital of Berlin on June 21. It will discuss the transfer of power in Sudan to a civilian government.

Meeting of the Troika and other countries in Washington DC in May.

The Sudan Troika (USA, the UK, and Norway) will meet in the German capital of Berlin on June 21. It will discuss the transfer of power in Sudan to a civilian government.

The last meeting of the Sudan Troika took place in Washington DC on May 18. The European Union, the African Union, Germany, and France participated. It followed the ousting of President Omar Al Bashir by a military coup on April 11.

The German government has invited the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt to Berlin next week, as those countries support Sudan’s ruling junta.


El Rashid Saeed, spokesman for the Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) Foreign Relations Committee told Radio Dabanga that the meeting will discuss the transfer of power to a civilian government.

He explained that the meeting has gained additional importance after the recent Ethiopian mediation and yesterday’s visit of a high-level US delegation to Khartoum, that supported the move to a civilian authority.

Saeed expressed the hope that all the participating countries in Berlin will support the transfer of power to civilians. He called on the countries that will participate to link aid, support and lifting of sanctions to a handover of power to civilians.

African Union mediation

In Khartoum, the African Union envoy to Sudan, Mohamed El Hacen Lebatt, announced the formation of an international mechanism to support African mediation in Sudan.  He told a press conference in Khartoum that the international component will be composed of the Troika (USA, the UK, and Norway), the EU, and some permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.

He explained that African mediation will consist of two tracks: the first one will be led by an African Union team, and the second track by the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

He pointed out that the AU Mission formed a team with Ambassador Mohamoud Dirir, representative of the Ethiopian prime minister, to coordinate.

