Disturbance at Khartoum airport over baggage from Libya

Anti-riot police early last week at Khartoum Airport had to separate around 70 returnees from Libya who had gathered at the Arrivals Terminal of Khartoum Airport. The passengers were demanding that authorities bring their baggage from Libya. They blamed the authorities for delaying in bringing their belongings.

Anti-riot police early last week at Khartoum Airport had to separate around 70 returnees from Libya who had gathered at the Arrivals Terminal of Khartoum Airport. The passengers were demanding that authorities bring their baggage from Libya. They blamed the authorities for delaying in bringing their belongings. Around 70 people people who had returned recently from Libya gathered at the Arrival Terminal, waiting for the authorities concerned to bring their belongings which they had left behind in the Republic of Libya. They were disappointed when they learnt that their belongings as of yesterday still had not arrived. The gathered crowd then started causing trouble, throwing stones at the glass wall of the Arrival Terminal which led to the breaking of the glass. The anti-riot police rushed to the scene and separated the gathering of returnees using tear-gas, sticks and batons.

