Demo demands results of June 3 Khartoum massacre investigation

Hundreds of young protestors demonstrated in Khartoum yesterday, demanding a final report from the Committee of Inquiry into the violent dismantling of the Khartoum sit-in on June 3, 2019.

A demonstrator at a Khartoum protest march in December 2019, demanding justice for the slain demonstrators at the sit-in (RD correspondent)

Hundreds of young protestors demonstrated in Khartoum yesterday, demanding a final report from the Committee of Inquiry into the violent dismantling of the Khartoum sit-in on June 3, 2019.

The demonstrators marched to the office of the committee that investigates the break-up of the sit-in. They demanded justice and retribution for the 127 protestors killed.

The protesters condemned the investigating committee and set fire to tires in front of the committee’s offices. They also chanted slogans of the peaceful civil revolution.

Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok announced the formation of a Committee of Inquiry in September 2019.

The Committee started its work in December 2019.  It is headed by prominent human rights lawyer Nabil Adib.

The committee made an appeal to civil society organisations, political parties, media institutions, and individuals in December to provide documents and any unregistered information within three weeks. A secure website was set up to communicate with the committee. The identity of witnesses will be protected, Nabil Adib ensured.

Two weeks later, at the beginning of January 2020, hundreds of activists demonstrated in Khartoum, showing their support for the Committee of Inquiry.


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