Demonstrators in Sudan’s capital demand justice for ‘June 3’ victims

On Tuesday, hundreds of activists launched a rally in Khartoum, demanding that those responsible for the Ramadan 29 massacre be brought to justice.
The rally moved from Jackson Square to the office of the committee chaired by prominent human rights lawyer Nabil Adib appointed by the government to investigate the violent dismantling of the sit-in in front of the army command in Khartoum on June 3 last year.

Deserted streets in Khartoum on June 5, 2019 (RD file photo)

On Tuesday, hundreds of activists launched a rally in Khartoum, demanding that those responsible for the Ramadan 29 massacre be brought to justice.

The rally moved from Jackson Square to the office of the committee chaired by prominent human rights lawyer Nabil Adib appointed by the government to investigate the violent dismantling of the sit-in in front of the army command in Khartoum on June 3 last year.

The demonstrators held pictures of the protestors killed during the break-up of the sit-in, and banners denouncing the leadership of the Rapid Support Forces militia, whom they hold responsible for the massacre.

They announced their willingness to testify and called on all witnesses to do so.

Suheib Abdellatif, the rapporteur of the investigation committee addressed the demonstrators. He appealed on the witnesses to come forward and testify, stressing that the committee is obliged to protect them and secure their personal data.

Specialists in information technology will check the videos and pictures received by the committee that depict the violence during the attacks on the people present at the sit-in.

The violent incident on June 3/Ramadan 29 left more than 100 people dead and hundreds more wounded. A number of women were raped, and more than 100 people went missing.

Earlier investigations concluded that officers of various ranks, including a general and a brigadier, had violated instructions of the Supreme Command or that the then ruling military junta had nothing to do with the attacks.

In September, Prime minister Abdallah Hamdok announced the formation of a new, neutral investigation committee, led by Nabil Adib.

Human Rights Watch issued a report in November that documented witness accounts of the attacks by Sudanese security forces on the sit-in on June 3 and the following days in other neighbourhoods of the capital.


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