Dead, injured in Darfur Robberies

One man has been killed and another injured in an armed robbery near Kutum in North Darfur. A student was murdered in North Darfur, and 18 were killed and wounded in an inter-clan clash in West Kordofan.

One man has been killed and another injured in an armed robbery near Kutum in North Darfur. A student was murdered in North Darfur, and 18 were killed and wounded in an inter-clan clash in West Kordofan.

On Tuesday Adam Fagor Hatinga was shot dead and Bakhit Sharafuddin injured at Beer Mohamed Shulla north of Kutum in North Darfur.

Mohammed Ahmed Minawi Digeish, the independent MP for Kornoi, Um Baru and El Tina, told Radio Dabanga that on Tuesday gunmen driving a Land Cruiser opened fire and killed Adam Fagor Hatinga on the spot, wounded Bakhit Sharafuddin and then stole the money and property inside the house.

He added that they also attacked a house belonging to Mia Eeid Ageed and robbed him of money and property as well as a Land Cruiser.

Student murdered

On Tuesday night two militiamen shot and killed student Yagoub Adam Abdul Majid in Zam Zam south of El Fasher in North Darfur.

The same evening, militiamen ambushed a commercial vehicle on the way from Nyala in North Darfur to Mukjar in Central Darfur.

A witness told Radio Dabanga that about eight militiamen riding camels opened fire on the vehicle at Bulbul area west of Nyala and seriously wounded the driver. They then beat the passengers and robbed them of their money and mobile phones.

Clans clash

On Tuesday 18 people were reportedly killed and wounded in the Shagel Jamainiya area of El Nahud locality in West Kordofan in clashes between Jamainiya and Sabeh clans of the Hamer tribe.

The clash came against the backdrop of alleged cattle rustling. The wounded were taken to El Nahud hospital for treatment.

