Complaints of harassment by authorities in eastern Sudan

Citizens of the Tahdai, Karayit, Shallaleb, and Kassala rural areas in east Sudan have complained of “continued harassment” and “armed raids” by the authorities on their shops and homes.

Citizens of the Tahdai, Karayit, Shallaleb, and Kassala rural areas in east Sudan have complained of “continued harassment” and “armed raids” by the authorities on their shops and homes.

In an interview with Radio Dabanga, a listener from Tahdai said that “the government harassment is creating a state of panic in the areas mentioned, as retribution for the people’s active role in the establishment of the Beja Congress”, a Sudanese armed opposition group in eastern Sudan, aligned to the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF).

He said that the authorities have stopped the daily border trade permits to Eritrea. This leaves those areas with no means of production or earning of living, as they fully rely on the border trade.

He held the government responsible for “neglecting and marginalising of those areas which are witnessing deterioration in living and economic conditions, and lack basic services such as schools, hospitals and roads”.

The listener pointed out an increase in mortality of the sick in those areas, “especially during transfer to Kassala hospital or Qurmaka hospital in Eritrea”.


The United Popular Front for Liberation and Justice has accused the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) of “shooting and using the bombs against people of the areas”.

In a statement to Radio Dabanga, the Front said that the attacks resulted in the displacement of residents of these areas to the Eritrean areas of Qurmaka and Rabda.

“The security apparatus has launched campaigns against the citizens, closed shops, and raided houses on the pretext of searching for weapons and insurgents.”

The statement concluded that the aim of the campaign is to destroy the citizens’ livelihoods.

