Darfuri Student abducted and killed in Khartoum

Darfuri student, Hussein Ibrahim Angabo, from Kas in South Darfur, was kidnapped from the streets in Hai Mayo in Khartoum Friday morning.  His dead body was found in the open near his house on Saturday morning. The assassinated student was a student in Delenj University, studying education and was in his fourth year. The day before his abduction he had participated in a public rally on the current situation in Darfur, organized by the United Popular Front (UPF) at the University of Khartoum. The Darfur Lawyers’ Cooperation expressed its regret on the appearance of the phenomena of abducting student activists from Darfur. The abduction of Hussein was not the first if its kind, as the student Adam Ali Saboon who studied engineering in Sudan University was abducted on the previous March and his dead body was discovered in the forests of Elsangaat. The student Mohammed was also abducted from Khartoum University on February 2010 and his body was discovered on the same scene.

Darfuri student, Hussein Ibrahim Angabo, from Kas in South Darfur, was kidnapped from the streets in Hai Mayo in Khartoum Friday morning.  His dead body was found in the open near his house on Saturday morning. The assassinated student was a student in Delenj University, studying education and was in his fourth year. The day before his abduction he had participated in a public rally on the current situation in Darfur, organized by the United Popular Front (UPF) at the University of Khartoum. The Darfur Lawyers’ Cooperation expressed its regret on the appearance of the phenomena of abducting student activists from Darfur. The abduction of Hussein was not the first if its kind, as the student Adam Ali Saboon who studied engineering in Sudan University was abducted on the previous March and his dead body was discovered in the forests of Elsangaat. The student Mohammed was also abducted from Khartoum University on February 2010 and his body was discovered on the same scene.

