China strongly critisized for inviting Al Bashir

China faced strong critisim from the United States after inviting the Sudanese president Omar Al Bashir to visit Beijing from the 27th to the 30th of June, despite being wanted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in Darfur. US republican senator Frank Wolff, who visited Darfur, confirmed that he noticed that China provided the Sudanese government with helicopters and planes used for the conflict. He added that it the first country to support the genocide in Darfur, is China. Belqees Jarah from Human Rights’ Watch stated that China will be the nation distinguished with the greatest shame internationally if it receives Omar Al Bashir, adding that the charges of mass killing and rape should lead the country to issue a verdict against him, not invite him.

China faced strong critisim from the United States after inviting the Sudanese president Omar Al Bashir to visit Beijing from the 27th to the 30th of June, despite being wanted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in Darfur. US republican senator Frank Wolff, who visited Darfur, confirmed that he noticed that China provided the Sudanese government with helicopters and planes used for the conflict. He added that it the first country to support the genocide in Darfur, is China. Belqees Jarah from Human Rights’ Watch stated that China will be the nation distinguished with the greatest shame internationally if it receives Omar Al Bashir, adding that the charges of mass killing and rape should lead the country to issue a verdict against him, not invite him.

