Darfur movements reject Doha peace proposal

The Darfuri rebel movements known as ‘Justice and Equality’ (JEM) and ‘Liberation and Justice’ (LJM) yesterday rejected the draft agreement put forward by the Doha-based mediators of the Darfur Peace Process.

The Darfuri rebel movements known as ‘Justice and Equality’ (JEM) and ‘Liberation and Justice’ (LJM) yesterday rejected the draft agreement put forward by the Doha-based mediators of the Darfur Peace Process.Rebels called the deal unacceptable because it would not lead to a just settlement of the Darfur conflict. The LJM spokesman Abdullah Mursal told Radio Dabanga the group rejected the document because the mediation ignored observations made by the movement. Mursal explained that they had proposed to the mediation the dismissal of the judicial authorities in the province. The mediators also ignored the rebels’ demand for the position of Vice President for Darfur.

The Justice and Equality Movement likewise said the document did not meet even the minimum demands of the people of Darfur. Ahmed Nugod, the chief negotiator, took issue with the amount of compensation.

For its part, the government has refused to declare its position on the document. Dr. Amin Hassan Omar, head of the government delegation, told Radio Dabanga that the delegation will hand over the government’s response in writing to the mediation.

Picture: Qatar’s state minister and top mediator of the Darfur conflict.

