Darfur LJM rebels to sign deal on Sunday: negotiator

The Liberation and Justice Movement disclosed that the Doha mediators proposed a vice-presidential position for Darfur, and a new Transitional Authority for the region. The LJM’s leadership has agreed to sign the final peace deal with the government next Sunday. Additionally, in an apparent compromise, the decision whether to unify Darfur into a single administrative region – a key rebel demand — would be deferred for several years, and would be decided via popular referendum.

The Liberation and Justice Movement disclosed that the Doha mediators proposed a vice-presidential position for Darfur, and a new Transitional Authority for the region. The LJM’s leadership has agreed to sign the final peace deal with the government next Sunday. Additionally, in an apparent compromise, the decision whether to unify Darfur into a single administrative region – a key rebel demand — would be deferred for several years, and would be decided via popular referendum.Tadjadine Beshir Niam, LJM chief negotiator, told Radio Dabanga that the joint steering committee between mediation and the parties agreed to negotiate further about security arrangements in a session today. According to Niam, the mediation proposed that the new Transitional Regional Authority will implement the Darfur Peace Agreement on the ground. This governance body would be headed by a new Vice President of the Republic who would be selected from among the people of Darfur. Niam explained that the duration of the proposed transitional period would last between three to five years, and would be followed by a referendum on the administrative status of the Darfur states, whether to keep them as three states or merge them into one province. Niam spoke to Radio Dabanga from Doha.

Pictured: Signing of the Framework Agreement between LJM and GOS

