Darfur factions affirm Bassolé as mediator, refuse Mbeki, Gambari

Three major Darfur rebel factions have approved the role of Djibril Bassolé as mediator of the conflict, and refused to accept that former South African president Thabo Mbeki or UNAMID chief Ibrahim Gambari play a role in the Darfur peace process.

Three major Darfur rebel factions have approved the role of Djibril Bassolé as mediator of the conflict, and refused to accept that former South African president Thabo Mbeki or UNAMID chief Ibrahim Gambari play a role in the Darfur peace process. Abdul Wahid’s SLM, JEM and LJM announced they support the efforts of the mediator Djibril Bassolé, who represents both the United Nations and the African Union, and works with a team of Qatari diplomats.

The Darfur factions considered that Mbeki lost his neutrality after announcing that he approved the government’s strategy on Darfur. The factions warned against competition over the position and recommended that Bassolé should be given a chance to continue his efforts.

The chief negotiator of the LJM, Tajeldin Naim, strongly criticized the African Union Peace Council and demanded the resignation of its chairman, Ramadan Lamamra. He called on the AU to investigate the council’s statement which criticized Bassolé. Taj Eldin said the criticism should have gone to the joint envoy rather than being aired openly – a step, which, in his opinion, a failed to achieve its goals. He warned of what he called a dishonorable competition over the Darfur case.

From his side, the chief negotiator of the JEM, Ahmed Nugud, said that Bassolé has become disabled due to interference in the peace process by Mbeki and the head of the UNAMID, Ibrahim Gambari. Nugud said that his movement is frustrated at the AU’s stance towards Bassolé and that they do not trust Mbeki, whom he described as non-neutral.

And the head of the SLM, Abdul Wahid ELNour, criticized the latest decision made by the AU to speed the dialogue from within under the supervision of the former South African president, Thabo Mbeki. Al Nur told the website Sudan Tribune that he doubted Mbeki’s neutrality and his proposal on how to solve the Darfur crisis.

