Committee solves trespassing of lands in South Darfur

There are dozens of complaints by displaced people in Shattai locality, related to trespassing their property and farms. A committee has looked into their reports.

There are dozens of complaints by displaced people in Shattai locality, related to trespassing their property and farms. A committee has looked into their reports.

Head of the specialised committee in South Darfur, Abakar Mohamed Abakar, said that they have received a total 71 complaints from people in Shattai about infringement on their property in villages, farms and gardens. All complainers have fled from these areas to the camps for displaced people in South Darfur.

“We have looked into 50 complaints until now and comitted those who have trespassed the property of these people, to hand it over to their rightful owners as soon as the agricultural season ends at the end of December.”

The trespassers were forced to write statements so as to bind them to their commitment to leave the displaced people's farms and villages, Abakar explained.

He added that the committee has formed other local committees that are in charge of the return of the rights to their owners in four areas, including Shattai town, Kailick, Um Burum and Dodosa.

Many displaced people in the region of Darfur return from the camps to their farmlands to sow or harvest crops. These areas are often still insecure, or new settlers have occupied the farms. Displaced people who met with the US Special Envoy for Sudan, Donald Booth, in July asked him to address the situation in which new settlers occupy their land and farms in their areas of origin.

