Citizens recover stolen sheep

Culprits flee after spotting villagers chasing themCitizens in Abu Hamra (South Darfur) recovered over 50 sheep belonging to citizen Haroon Ishaq al-Bakhit from three armed horsemen on Sunday.

Culprits flee after spotting villagers chasing them

Citizens in Abu Hamra (South Darfur) recovered over 50 sheep belonging to citizen Haroon Ishaq al-Bakhit from three armed horsemen on Sunday.A witness said that a group, consisting of villagers from Abu Hamra, Dabbab and Banti followed the thieves and managed to recover the stolen cattle and return it to its owner safely. The thieves fled at the sight of the citizens chasing them.

Similarly, a commercial vehicle was looted by a group of seven armed men in the area of Mirhshing (South Darfur). The culprits were reported to have been wearing military uniforms when they intercepted the vehicle en route to the Recona market, about 5km north of Mirhshing.

They took nine sacks of sugar, 50 boxes of biscuits and the passengers’ mobile phones and personal belongings, according to the trader Ahmed Ibrahim Tahir, whom the merchandise belonged to. Another commercial vehicle, that was driving behind the targetted one, was able to escape the attack, Radio Dabanga was told.

