Cholera containment measures begin in South Darfur capital

The Health Ministry of South Darfur and the municipality of the state capital of Nyala have begun a series of measures to contain cholera in Nyala that have caused the death of dozens and infection hundreds in the city and its surrounding camps for the displaced.

The Health Ministry of South Darfur and the municipality of the state capital of Nyala have begun a series of measures to contain cholera in Nyala that have caused the death of dozens and infection hundreds in the city and its surrounding camps for the displaced.

Yesterday a joint meeting between the Ministry and Nyala Municipality decided to raise the level of control of food in markets, activate and enhance the laws and lead joint campaigns for environmental sanitation and community health.

Dr Mohammed El Aahib Ismael, the Commissioner of Nyala Municipality, called on the Water Corporation to chlorinate the water.

He appealed to the owners of investment wells to take into account the humanitarian aspects and adherence to health controls so as not to be a source of disease. He threatened to close any well whose owner does not comply with the set controls measures.

Medical sources described the situation in Nyala as “very dangerous and out of control”.

'Acute watery diarrhoea'

The National Epidemiological Corporation reported in July that nearly 24,000 Sudanese have been infected and 940 cholera patients have died since the outbreak of the infectious disease in Blue Nile state in August last year.

The Sudanese authorities however, refuse to call the disease by its name, and refer to it as “Watery Diarrhoea”. The National Intelligence and Security Service has repeatedly warned medics and the press in the country not to make mention of cholera. Cholera “seems to be a stigma for the government,” a Sudanese specialist told Radio Dabanga in January.

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