Cancer-risk sweets alert in South Darfur

The South Darfur State branch of the Sudanese Standard and Metrology Organisation has warned parents and schools of sweets containing carcinogens. In particular, grocery stores adjoining basic schools sell the sweets, which look like rice grains, together with a small toy. The organisation said in a statement that the sweets are mostly packed in small coloured flasks or bags, and called on the people to immediately notify the authorities when they find the sweets being sold at a certain shop or market. The organisation also urged the schoolmasters and teachers in the state to alert pupils about the dangerous sweets. File photo: A basic school class in North Darfur (Albert González Farran/Unamid)

The South Darfur State branch of the Sudanese Standard and Metrology Organisation has warned parents and schools of sweets containing carcinogens.

In particular, grocery stores adjoining basic schools sell the sweets, which look like rice grains, together with a small toy.

The organisation said in a statement that the sweets are mostly packed in small coloured flasks or bags, and called on the people to immediately notify the authorities when they find the sweets being sold at a certain shop or market. The organisation also urged the schoolmasters and teachers in the state to alert pupils about the dangerous sweets.

File photo: A basic school class in North Darfur (Albert González Farran/Unamid)

