Camp robbery, assault in Sirba, West Darfur

Militiamen robbed residents of the Saraf Jidad camp for the displaced in Sirba locality of five cows on Sunday. Others attempted to rape two displaced women on Monday.
Three militiamen riding horses stole five cows from residents of the Saraf Jidad camp for the displaced in Sirba locality on Sunday.

Militiamen robbed residents of the Saraf Jidad camp for the displaced in Sirba locality of five cows on Sunday. Others attempted to rape two displaced women on Monday.

Three militiamen riding horses stole five cows from residents of the Saraf Jidad camp for the displaced in Sirba locality on Sunday.

“They took the cattle towards the Chadian border,” the coordinator of the Sirba camps told Radio Dabanga. “The theft was reported to the police of Saraf Jidad.”

He said that two women of the camp were molested by a group of militiamen the next day.

“Hawa Abdallah and Aisha Ishag who left the Saraf Jidad camp to collect fire wood in a nearby forest on Monday afternoon, were intercepted by a group of janjaweed,” he related. “When the women fiercely resisted the rape attempts, the attackers beat and whipped them severely, and left.”

The victims were transferred to a hospital for treatment after the incident was reported to the police.

The camp coordinator added that militiamen on motorcycles stormed the Saraf Jidad camp on Monday evening. “Their firing in the air terrified the displaced.”

