Camp officials: 25.000 unregistered IDPs at Zamzam

Activist and camp officials in Zamzam camp near El Fasher said thataround 25.000 unregistered displaced persons have not received anyfood rations for four months, the period of their stay in the camp.These unregistered residents came from areas of North Darfur thatwitnessed violence earlier this year. In an interview with RadioDabanga, the activists described the humanitarian situation of thosedisplaced persons as terrible and confirmed that the newly-displacedpeople have formed a committee and met with officials of aidorganizations in El Fasher and the Humanitarian Aid Commission. All ofthese efforts were in vain. The activists in the camp have appealed tohumanitarian and charity organizations to expedite assistance forthose displaced people immediately.

Activist and camp officials in Zamzam camp near El Fasher said that
around 25.000 unregistered displaced persons have not received any
food rations for four months, the period of their stay in the camp.
These unregistered residents came from areas of North Darfur that
witnessed violence earlier this year. In an interview with Radio
Dabanga, the activists described the humanitarian situation of those
displaced persons as terrible and confirmed that the newly-displaced
people have formed a committee and met with officials of aid
organizations in El Fasher and the Humanitarian Aid Commission. All of
these efforts were in vain. The activists in the camp have appealed to
humanitarian and charity organizations to expedite assistance for
those displaced people immediately.

