Traders accuse government of hoarding sugar in Nyala

A great number of traders in the market of Nyala accused the sugarcompanies of storing sugar and selling it on the black markets toindividuals who have no relation with trade, but who then re-sell itat high prices. This has led to the increase in the price of sugar to220 pounds in towns and 300 pounds in the districts. According to thetrader Mursal Abdul Karim, the head of a bread store, the Armed Forcesand the state government’s Strategic Storage Administration enteredthe market and bought all the available quantities of sugar. This hasforced civilians to import their sugar from eastern Sudan or from thecapital.

A great number of traders in the market of Nyala accused the sugar
companies of storing sugar and selling it on the black markets to
individuals who have no relation with trade, but who then re-sell it
at high prices. This has led to the increase in the price of sugar to
220 pounds in towns and 300 pounds in the districts. According to the
trader Mursal Abdul Karim, the head of a bread store, the Armed Forces
and the state government’s Strategic Storage Administration entered
the market and bought all the available quantities of sugar. This has
forced civilians to import their sugar from eastern Sudan or from the

