Beja Congress: Partial solutions won’t help

Wants Khartoum to end its system of apartheidThe Beja Congress in eastern Sudan said on Saturday that partial, bilateral and regional solutions adopted by the Sudanese government to bring peace in the country are futile.

Wants Khartoum to end its system of apartheid

The Beja Congress in eastern Sudan said on Saturday that partial, bilateral and regional solutions adopted by the Sudanese government to bring peace in the country are futile.The statement hinted at the recent agreements signed by the Sudanese government with rebel factions in Doha and regional agreements with Ertitrea.

The Beja Congress stressed that the Sudanese government’s system of apartheid in the country must end in order to achieve entire peace and justice.

“We strive to start a new page — from the mutually destructive war to ensuring the rights of the oppressed people of Sudan through joint action,” it said.

The statement said that Syed Ali Abu Amna Mohammed, a leader of the movement had worked with his brother in Darfur, South Kordofan, Blue Nile, the far North of Sudan and discovered that people across the country want to combine their efforts and overthrow the regime in Khartoum.



