Arab League calls for a civilian government in Sudan

The secretary-general of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul-Gheit held talks with the military junta and the Alliance for Freedom and Change in Khartoum on Sunday in an attempt to break the deadlock and get out of the current crisis. He called for a civil government in Sudan.

The secretary-general of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul-Gheit held talks with the military junta and the Alliance for Freedom and Change in Khartoum on Sunday in an attempt to break the deadlock and get out of the current crisis. He called for a civil government in Sudan.

After talks with Abdelfattah El Burhan, chairman of the Transitional Military Council (TMC), Aboul-Gheit said that the objective of the Arab League at this stage is to focus on securing stability in Sudan, reaching consensus and putting Sudan in the situation that it should be. This includes a quick handover of power to civilians, he added.

He told reporters that El Burhan listened with appreciation and attention to the efforts of the Arab League and its role in Sudan.

Aboul-Gheit said that the talks with the TMC made him feel hopeful that the a consensus will be reached in Sudan and that this will lead to stability and economic, political, and social development.

