‘Aid provided to Darfur newly displaced’: OCHA

In North Darfur’s Um Baru locality, the international NGO Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI), with Unicef support, completed the construction of 250 latrines according to the latest report issued by the UN Humanitarian Office (OCHA).

In North Darfur’s Um Baru locality, the international NGO Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI), with Unicef support, completed the construction of 250 latrines according to the latest report issued by the UN Humanitarian Office (OCHA).

According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), some displaced people have reportedly returned to their places of origin in Orshi, Abuliha and Ana Baji villages. The IOM intends to go to these villages to verify this information. In Zamzam camp, Unicef and the Government’s Water and Environmental Sanitation department (WES) completed the construction of a water pipeline extension to an area where newly displaced people have settled.

Aid agencies are facing increasing challenges due to people in the camp using drinking water for brick making and for livestock. In camps in Tawila Locality, the Sudanese Red Crescent has reported the arrival of some 3,600 displaced people (824 families) between 14-23 March. In Dabanaira camp, ruptures in the water pipeline continue to affect water supplies. Water is currently being taken by tanker to the camp to ensure adequate supply. The international NGO Plan Sudan has constructed 94 out of 715 planned communal latrines in the Tawila camps.

