Agriculture in Darfur damaged by belated seasonal rains

This year´s seasonal rains started late in all parts of Darfur, with different amounts of rainfall, according to the three Darfur ministers of agriculture. In an interview with Radio Dabanga, the ministers announced, that they are going to expand agriculture. They will collect excess water in muddy lands, which can be used as compensation for shortages of rainfall, elsewhere.

This year´s seasonal rains started late in all parts of Darfur, with different amounts of rainfall, according to the three Darfur ministers of agriculture. In an interview with Radio Dabanga, the ministers announced, that they are going to expand agriculture. They will collect excess water in muddy lands, which can be used as compensation for shortages of rainfall, elsewhere.

North Darfur

Hawa Suleiman, the Minister of Agriculture of North Darfur, considered this rainy season to be disappointing. She stated, that the agricultural operations had only just started in the southern and north eastern counties, of North Darfur. She also pointed out, that, because of rainfall shortages, they have turned to farming on muddy lands and valleys in Shangil Tobayei, Abu Hamra, Dar Elsalam and Shagra instead of on Elgoz. During this farming season, Hawa said, that they will start the growth of wheat, through the Um Bayada project. The project provides funding for fifteen thousand farms, with 450 pounds for each farm. She also said, that farmers and herders have agreed that cattle may freely roam the lands, each February.

South Darfur

Ibrahim Eldikhairi, the Minister of Agriculture of South Darfur, said that the rainy season started late in all parts of his state. Farming operations are still being established, he said, explaining that areas, that were planted earlier, had dried out, due to shortage of water. Eldikhairi pointed out, that Adeila, Marshinj, Natiga, Shairiya and east Daein, were the counties mostly affected by the shortage of rain. He, further, explained that in Ad Elfursan, Raheid Elbardi, Baram and Elrodom, farming has begun. Eldikhairi added, that the amount of seeds and fertilizers that were distributed to farmers, was not enough. He stated, that, this year, routes will be opened for grouping of farms, aided by security forces, farmers, herders, and civil authorities.

West Darfur

Eltahir Abdul Rahman, the Minister of Agriculture in West Darfur, described the situation in his state as good for farming, especially in the southern parts of the state, of Habila and Forbernaga. Eltahir, on the other hand, acknowledged, that there had been individual attacks on farms by herders. He informed, that a high commission was being created, which is to prevent future conflicts between herders and farmers.

