2,300 Jebel Marra families reach North Darfur camps

Each day hundreds of people who fled the attacks on their villages in northern Jebel Marra are arriving at Tawila in North Darfur.
An activist told Radio Dabanga from Tawila on Sunday that about 2,300 families reached the town so far. “They are all showing signs of intense fatigue as their flight took several days because of the proliferation of militia members and gunmen along the way.”

Each day hundreds of people who fled the attacks on their villages in northern Jebel Marra are arriving at Tawila in North Darfur.

An activist told Radio Dabanga from Tawila on Sunday that about 2,300 families reached the town so far. “They are all showing signs of intense fatigue as their flight took several days because of the proliferation of militia members and gunmen along the way.”

He described the humanitarian situation of the newly displaced as “very difficult as they arrive with nothing but their clothes”.

The activist appealed via Radio Dabanga to “humanitarian organisations and those concerned to urgently intervene to help these victims”.

Returnees flee again

He added that about 300 families who had left the Tawila camps for the displaced last year to return to their villages in the area of Khazan Tunjur and Taradona with the purpose of cultivating their farms, have all come back to Tawila.

“The escalation of the military operations in Jebel Marra and the strong presence of militiamen forced them to leave their farms and return to the camps.”


