Schools close in Siyyah region

Authorities in North Darfur closed 27 schools in the Tagabu and Siyyah area two days ago. The closure happened two days ago because residents of those areas refused to allow their children to go to school for fear of being intimidated and attacked by Chadian opposition forces.

Authorities in North Darfur closed 27 schools in the Tagabu and Siyyah area two days ago. The closure happened two days ago because residents of those areas refused to allow their children to go to school for fear of being intimidated and attacked by Chadian opposition forces. The regions reportedly became in recent days the scene of killing, looting and rape by the Chadian opposition forces.Mohamed Yahya, spokesman for the Siyyah association told Radio Dabanga the residents started to express their concern about the presence of Chadian opposition forces since they were moved there a month ago. He added that the presence of those forces not only caused anxiety among residents but also caused hundreds of citizens to flee the region.

