Young women gang-raped in Central Darfur

Two young women from Neirteti in Central Darfur were repeatedly raped by four militiamen on Monday night. A witness told Radio Dabanga that the two women (25 and 18) were returning from tending their farms on Monday evening. They were seized by a group of for militiamen who raped them repeatedly for 12 hours. Their ordeal lasted into Tuesday morning. The two victims have been taken to hospital in poor mental and physical condition. The source said that while the incident was reported, nothing has been done owing to lack of police in the area. File photo: Displaced women in Darfur (Albert González Farran/UN Photo) Related: Commander admits to mass rape by soldiers in North Darfur (3 November 2014)Mass rape of 200 in North Darfur (2 November 2014)

Two young women from Neirteti in Central Darfur were repeatedly raped by four militiamen on Monday night.

A witness told Radio Dabanga that the two women (25 and 18) were returning from tending their farms on Monday evening. They were seized by a group of for militiamen who raped them repeatedly for 12 hours. Their ordeal lasted into Tuesday morning.

The two victims have been taken to hospital in poor mental and physical condition. The source said that while the incident was reported, nothing has been done owing to lack of police in the area.

File photo: Displaced women in Darfur (Albert González Farran/UN Photo)


Commander admits to mass rape by soldiers in North Darfur (3 November 2014)

Mass rape of 200 in North Darfur (2 November 2014)

