Women resist rape attempt in Central Darfur

A group of militiamen allegedly attempted to rape some women near Mukjar in Central Darfur, but were driven off as the women resisted. One woman was severely beaten. Sources told Radio Dabanga that on Sunday a group of militiamen tried to rape some women who were tending their farms in the area of Dembo Kabdi, 7km east of Mukjar. The women, however, resisted fiercely, supported by neighbouring farmers. The militiamen severely beat one of the farming women, Kaltouma Fadul Ismail, with batons. She was transferred to the hospital of Mukjar for treatment. File photo by Albert González Farran/Unamid Related:‘Abu Tira’ troops and militiamen rape three women, terrorise Tabit in North Darfur (24 October 2013)‘Camel militia’ gang rape eight women in Central Darfur (18 October 2013)Militiamen rape four women, rob villagers in North Darfur (2 October 2013)

A group of militiamen allegedly attempted to rape some women near Mukjar in Central Darfur, but were driven off as the women resisted. One woman was severely beaten.

Sources told Radio Dabanga that on Sunday a group of militiamen tried to rape some women who were tending their farms in the area of Dembo Kabdi, 7km east of Mukjar. The women, however, resisted fiercely, supported by neighbouring farmers.

The militiamen severely beat one of the farming women, Kaltouma Fadul Ismail, with batons. She was transferred to the hospital of Mukjar for treatment.

File photo by Albert González Farran/Unamid


‘Abu Tira’ troops and militiamen rape three women, terrorise Tabit in North Darfur (24 October 2013)

‘Camel militia’ gang rape eight women in Central Darfur (18 October 2013)

Militiamen rape four women, rob villagers in North Darfur (2 October 2013)



