Women, girls, gang-raped in North Darfur attack

Five women, including three minors, were subjected to a six-hour rape ordeal at the hands of herdsmen in North Darfur on Monday.

Darfur women return home with straw and firewood (File photo: enoughproject.org)

Five women, including three minors, were subjected to a six-hour rape ordeal at the hands of herdsmen in North Darfur on Monday.

A sheikh of Zamzam camp for the displaced, near to El Fasher, capital of North Darfur, told Radio Dabanga that on Monday, a group of herders attacked two women, three girls, and two boys while they were collecting straw at Um Hashaba area, 12 kilometres west of Zamzam camp.

The attackers beat the boys, took the women and girls at gunpoint, and raped them repeatedly from 4 pm until 10 pm.

The sheikh said the incident was reported to the police and the victims given medical treatment.

A patrol under the leadership of the Commissioner of El Fasher went after the culprits on Tuesday, but there are no reports of arrests.

Herders shot and seriously wounded Adam Yousef at Fallujah in East Jebel Marra in South Darfur on Monday.

A relative of the victim said that Yousef was taken to El Malam for treatment and that the incident was reported to the police of El Malam.

