Watery diarrhoea claims more lives in Sudan’s El Gezira state

Contaminated drinking water has been identified as the cause of watery diarrhoea epidemic currently plaguing eastern Sudan, but reports conflict as to the exact death toll or infection levels.

Contaminated drinking water has been identified as the cause of watery diarrhoea epidemic currently plaguing eastern Sudan, but reports conflict as to the exact death toll or infection levels.

Legislative Council Member of El Gezira, El Zaki Zein Al Bashir, says that 14 people have died and 42 others infected at Karai villages, with 14 more infections reported at El Hassaniya and Um Jidaan of El Managil locality.

MP Mubarak Ali Abdullah Tamor of El Jamousi constituency reports 13 deaths and 43 infections in the same area.

The Speaker of the Legislative Council of El Gezira state, Jalal Munalla Jibril, has acknowledged the spread of watery diarrhoea, but did not mention any numbers.

The Commissioner of El Managil locality, El Gaily Mustafa, acknowledged the death of five people and infection of 25 others.

He has explained that the epidemic was first identified in Sennar and then moved to the south of El Gezira. People have attributed the disease to the contamination of drinking water.

