Villages swept away in Sudan as Blue Nile swells

Continuous heavy rains and subsequent flash floods have washed away people and entire villages; worse is feared as the waters of the Blue Nile continue to rise.

Continuous heavy rains and subsequent flash floods have washed away people and entire villages; worse is feared as the waters of the Blue Nile continue to rise.

A resident of Sinja locality in eastern Sudan’s Sennar state told Radio Dabanga on Wednesday that a valley, including the entire village of Um Shoka, was washed away. The water swept-off “about a dozen” people, all of whom are still missing.

Those who remain are still threatened by the continuous rains and the rise in the levels of the Blue Nile.

He pointed out that the floods also washed away the valley which connects Um Shoka village and Zenoba village, where the school students study.

Official figures

In Khartoum, Sudanese Interior Minister Lt. Col. Ismat Abdelrahman, said that the recent rains and floods in the country have led to the death of 76 people in 13 states, partial collapse of more than 300 houses, and the complete collapse of more than 1,000 houses in Kassala, North Darfur, and El Gezira.

Colonel Abdelrahman acknowledged that “the situation is still worrying because of the effects that have not been contained, and the threat posed with the expectations of more rains at high rates and rise of the levels of the Nile.

