UN, humanitarian partners aid 1.7 million people in Sudan

United Nations agencies and humanitarian partners –international and national NGOs– reached 1.7 million people in Sudan with humanitarian assistance during the first quarter of 2020.
According to the preliminary findings of the 2020 Sudan Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) quarterly monitoring, HRP partners reached 27 per cent of the 6.1 million people they aim to assist in 2020.
The Sudan 2020 HRP funding is 21 per cent, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Sudan says in its Situation Report on Thursday.
As a continuation of the trend highlighted in the 2019 HRP Periodic Monitoring Report, 95 per cent of the people assisted are in Darfur and Kordofan regions and Blue Nile state. About 73 per cent of all people assisted are in Darfur.
Response in central and eastern Sudan continues to lag. During the first quarter of this year, there were few people reached in central Sudan – about 30,400 people or two per cent of the total number of people assisted. In eastern Sudan, HRP partners reached 48,600 people or three per cent of the total assisted.

United Nations agencies and humanitarian partners –international and national NGOs– reached 1.7 million people in Sudan with humanitarian assistance during the first quarter of 2020.

According to the preliminary findings of the 2020 Sudan Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) quarterly monitoring, HRP partners reached 27 per cent of the 6.1 million people they aim to assist in 2020.

The Sudan 2020 HRP funding is 21 per cent, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Sudan said in its Situation Report on Thursday.

As a continuation of the trend highlighted in the 2019 HRP Periodic Monitoring Report, 95 per cent of the people assisted are in Darfur and Kordofan regions and Blue Nile state. About 73 per cent of all people assisted are in Darfur.

Response in central and eastern Sudan continues to lag. During the first quarter of this year, there were few people reached in central Sudan – about 30,400 people or two per cent of the total number of people assisted. In eastern Sudan, HRP partners reached 48,600 people or three per cent of the total assisted.

This year, the humanitarian community is aiming to assist 6.1 million people in Sudan, focusing on those living in 120 localities with the highest convergence of inter-sectoral needs as identified by the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO). According to the 2020 HNO, there are 9.3 million people in need of humanitarian assistance in Sudan.

About 42 per cent of people targeted are in the five Darfur states. A further 20 per cent live in Blue Nile, South Kordofan, North Kordofan and West Kordofan states. About 18 per cent are located in the four eastern states. A further 20 per cent are located in the central states, including Khartoum.

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