Two young women raped at gunpoint in Central Darfur

Two young women have been attacked and raped at gunpoint by paramilitaries in the area of Malgo, west of Nierteti in Central Darfur.

Two young women have been attacked and raped at gunpoint by paramilitaries in the area of Malgo, west of Nierteti in Central Darfur.

A relative of the women told Radio Dabanga that the women, who live in a camp for the displaced, were out collecting firewood on Saturday, when they were accosted by six militiamen, who raped them alternately at gunpoint.

He said that the family has filed a case with Nierteti police and Unamid.


On Tuesday, Ahmed Burooz was shot dead and robbed in Mershing locality in South Darfur by militants.

A witness told Radio Dabanga that on Tuesday evening, gunmen riding a motorcycle opened fire on Burooz while he was driving his vehicle loaded with vegetables and tomatoes on his way to Shangil Tobaya area. They shot him dead on the spot and stole SDG10 000 ($1,500) and a mobile phone from him.

