Two murdered, one injured in Darfur militia attacks

A displaced man has died and another wounded in an attack by militiamen at a camp south of Sortoni in Kabkabiya locality, North Darfur on Monday. Adam Ahmed (43) was shot dead and another man wounded in an attack by militias in a camp south of Soronti in Kabkabiya locality in North Darfur on Monday.

A displaced man has died and another wounded in an attack by militiamen at a camp south of Sortony in Kabkabiya locality, North Darfur on Monday. Adam Ahmed (43) was shot dead and another man wounded in an attack by militias in a camp south of Soronti in Kabkabiya locality in North Darfur on Monday.

The Coordinator of Kabkabiya camps told Radio Dabanga on Tuesday that the attack was carried out by four militia members while the displaced me were on their way out of the camp to fetch firewood.

He said the militiamen opened fire on them, shot Adam dead, and wounded Abdulaziz.

El Salam

On Tuesday morning, militia members shot and killed Mohammed El Sheikh of El Salam camp for the displaced in Nyala, capital of South Darfur.

Sheikh Mahjoub Tabeldiya told Radio Dabanga that on Tuesday morning militia elements opened fire on the 20-year-old Mohammed El Sheikh, who died on the spot.

The inhabitants of camp El Salam have been complaining of attacks and violations buy the militiamen, and their roaming inside the camp with their guns.

