Two injured in March of the Millions in Khartoum

The Central Committee of Doctors reported that that two people were injured and a number of people almost suffocated from tear gas during the protests for the March of the Millions on Saturday.

Protestors take to the streets for the March of the Millions on December 19 (Social media)

The Sudanese Doctors Central Committee reported that that two people were injured and a number of people almost suffocated from tear gas during the protests for the March of the Millions on Saturday.

In a statement, the committee said that a young man had his hand completely lacerated, while another young man sustained a gunshot wound to the head.

The doctors added that security forces used tear gas to break up two sit-ins in front of the Republican Palace in Khartoum and the Parliament in Omdurman, despite the Attorney General, Tajelsir El Hibir, prohibiting police forces from using bullets, tear gas, or excessive force against demonstrators.

Thousands of Sudanese protesters took to the streets, chanting “freedom” and “hanabnaho” (we will build it) in the capital Khartoum and its twin city Omdurman on the weekend, to celebrate the second anniversary of the 2018 December revolution that overthrew the rule of former dictator Omar Al Bashir and to demand the correction of the course of the revolution.

“This government has not made any progress over the past two years in the retribution file for our martyrs,” protester Waleed El Tom told state TV in Khartoum. “The Sudanese people had hopes that their revolution would be great, that it would achieve things, but today the Sudanese people are standing in bread lines,” another protester told state TV.

On Sunday, Resistance Committees blocked Parliament Street in central Khartoum, during a series of hit and run clashes between demonstrators and Sudan’s regular armed forces in the East Banat neighbourhood in Omdurman. No major incidents of violence or casualties were reported.

Ahmed Bataran, leading member of the Resistance Committees called the commemorative marches “a renewal of the demonstrations that brought down the former regime.”

Correction of course

The Teachers Union and the Association of the December Revolution Martyrs' Families have demanded the correction of the course of the revolution.

Several weeks ago, the Sudanese Communist Party (SCP), which withdrew from the ruling coalition of the Forces for Freedom and Change, launched a campaign for protests on December 19 to overthrow of the transitional government, remove the military from power and to restore the original Constitutional Document.

The SCP was joined by the Sudanese Professionals Association and a number of Resistance Committees in Khartoum. The SCP and some Resistance Committees are also calling for cancellation of the formation of the Transitional Partners Council.

The Sudanese Congress Party, the Unionist Gathering, the National Umma Party, and the Arab Socialist Baath Party announced their opposition to calls to bring down the transitional government in a joint statement on Friday.

On Saturday, Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok tweeted: “We pledge to spur the pace to fulfil all the demands of the revolution, and improving the living conditions and the economy are among the priorities in which we will do everything we can to overcome the challenges.”

El Gedaref protests

In El Gedaref, three revolutionary groups organized a protest against the El Gedaref Prosecution Office, demanding “retribution for the El Gedaref martyrs”.

Four members of the Sudanese army were killed on December 15 in an ambush by Ethiopian forces near Jebel Abu Tuyour in El Gedaref’s El Fashaga, close to the border with Ethiopia. The number of wounded in the attack of Ethiopian armed and militia forces (called shifta in the region) on the SAF in eastern Sudan’s El Gedaref on Tuesday has risen to 27.

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