Two girls raped in North Darfur

Two girls of 12 and 16 years were raped near their camp in Tawila, North Darfur, last Friday.

Two girls of 12 and 16 years were raped near their camp in Tawila, North Darfur, last Friday.

Approximately 13 armed men on camels attacked a group of women were out to fetch firewood west of Dabanaira camp for displaced people. They managed to seize the two schoolgirls and raped them in turn, a relative of one of the victims told this station.

The locality Commissioner and policemen drove to the scene of the attack to retrieve the victims who were still lying there. The girls were brought in a poor health and psychological state to the health centre of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in Tawila.

The relative said that they have reported the case to Unamid in the area. A file has been opened with the police, under number 131 with detective Muhjiddin Mohamed Eisa.

The people who were attacked were all displaced by the war in Jebel Marra in early 2016, between the government forces, militias and armed movements, the relative said.

