Two die in Jebel Marra mosque bombing

Two men were killed when a mosque was bombed in an air raid on Darfur’s East Jebel Marra that continued from Friday to Sunday. Areas south of Fanga were bombed as well.

Two men were killed when a mosque was bombed in an air raid on Darfur's East Jebel Marra that continued from Friday to Sunday. Areas south of Fanga were bombed as well.

An Antonov of the Sudanese Air Force bombed the mosque, east of Nierteti, which led to the killing of 60-year-old Mustafa Ali and one other person.

The bombardment coincided with Friday prayers in the village. As the place was crowded, seven worshipers sustained injuries.

Fallujah, Tamra, and Talba, south of Fanga, were intensively bombed on Sunday morning, an eyewitness reported. Seven sheep were killed while the explosions ignited a bushfire in Fallujah.

An eyewitness said that Sunday also witnessed air strikes in Tamra and Talba near Fanga. One home (tulkul) was damaged.

Jebel Marra had not witnessed aerial bombardments by the Air Force for several weeks. Sudan allegedly deployed its Air Force last weekend in reaction to the clashes with fighters of the Sudan Liberation Movement led by Abdel Wahid in Katrom last week.

