Two dead in East and West Darfur shootings

A resident of Ed Daein, capital of East Darfur, was shot dead by a member of the paramilitary Central Reserve Police on Wednesday. Another resident sustained injuries. In Garsila, West Darfur, an army soldier killed a police sergeant.
Ali El Taher, the Commissioner of Ed Daein, told Dabanga that a drunken member of the Central Reserve Police, locally named Abu Tira, shot dead a man in the centre of the town, and wounded another.

A resident of Ed Daein, capital of East Darfur, was shot dead by a member of the paramilitary Central Reserve Police on Wednesday. Another resident sustained injuries. In Garsila, West Darfur, an army soldier killed a police sergeant.

Ali El Taher, the Commissioner of Ed Daein, told Dabanga that a drunken member of the Central Reserve Police, locally named Abu Tira, shot dead a man in the centre of the town, and wounded another.

He said that the murderer was arrested, and is being held in custody at Ed Daein main police station.

In Garsila, police sergeant Jamal Shata was killed on Wednesday, when a soldier opened fire at him. The soldier turned himself in to the police, a listener to Dabanga from the West Darfuri town.

