Troika envoys brief Sudan PM on Kauda visit

The delegation of special envoys to Sudan and South Sudan from the United Kingdom, Norway, and the USA (Troika) paid a two-day visit to Kauda in South Kordofan on Friday and Saturday to meet representatives of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North SPLM-N Abdelaziz El Hilu, together with the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General to Sudan, UNITAMS head Volker Perthes.

The delegation of special envoys to Sudan and South Sudan from the United Kingdom, Norway, and the USA (Troika) paid a two-day visit to Kauda in South Kordofan on Friday and Saturday to meet representatives of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North SPLM-N Abdelaziz El Hilu (Photo: @UKinSudan)

The delegation of special envoys to Sudan and South Sudan from the United Kingdom, Norway, and the USA (Troika) paid a two-day visit to Kauda in South Kordofan on Friday and Saturday to meet representatives of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North SPLM-N Abdelaziz El Hilu, together with the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General to Sudan, UNITAMS head Volker Perthes.

The Troika envoys met with Sudan’s Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok in Khartoum today to brief him on the visit.

Kauda has long been the stronghold of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) El Hilu faction in South Kordofan.

In a statement via the UK Embassy in Khartoum, the Troika special envoys said: “To succeed, Sudan’s transition need all of its people. We applaud the efforts of the government of Sudan and the SPLM-N El Hilu to reach a peace agreement. We are extremely encouraged by both parties signing up to the Declaration of Principles on 28 March, which shows that it’s possible to move forward o important issues like separation of state and religion.”

The Troika also encouraged the SPLM-N National Liberation Council to build on this success, join the New Sudan and help bring about lasting peace.

In Khartoum today, the Troika Envoys briefed the Prime Minister on their visit to Kauda, in the context of supporting the comprehensive peace in the country in the light of the previous agreement between the government and the people’s movement.

Troika special envoys meet Sudan PM Hamdok (SUNA)


The Norway Representative described the visit as important, necessary and constructive, expressing that their discussions with the leaders of SPLM/N and the citizens will push forward the peace process.

“Great privilege to visit beautiful Kauda,” UK Special Envoy for Sudan and South Sudan. Robert Fairweather commented on social media. “The agreement of a Declaration of Principles between the SPLM-N al Hilu and the Government of Sudan was a huge breakthrough. The faster negotiations resume the better.”

