Tribal reconciliation in Nyala and cattle raid in Kass

President Omar al-Bashir witnessed the signing of an agreement of co-existence and peace among the tribes of South Darfur State. The agreement aims to stem the inter-Arab war in Darfur, which a June reconciliation deal failed to halt. Thirty-eight (38) representatives of the native administration signed the document at a ceremony in the Khalifa Abdullahi Al Taishi Hall in Nyala on Wednesday.

President Omar al-Bashir witnessed the signing of an agreement of co-existence and peace among the tribes of South Darfur State. The agreement aims to stem the inter-Arab war in Darfur, which a June reconciliation deal failed to halt. Thirty-eight (38) representatives of the native administration signed the document at a ceremony in the Khalifa Abdullahi Al Taishi Hall in Nyala on Wednesday. In the meantime, 5 people were killed and 4 others wounded in a clash between Misseriyas and an armed group in the area of Um Sarir yesterday in Kass Locality of South Darfur. A member of the Misseriya group explained over Radio Dabanga that an armed force made up of 15 people riding camels and dressed in military uniforms stole 300 cattle from the Misseriya in Wadi Gara, west of Jamiza on Wednesday. He said that they were able to retrieve all of the cows after killing 4 of the armed group, while one of their own was killed and four others injured.

