Tribal leaders reach accord in East Darfur

The Ma’aliya and Rizeigat tribes have reached an agreement in East Darfur, aimed to put an end to friction between the tribes, which has occurred since April and May this year.

The Ma’aliya and Rizeigat tribes have reached an agreement in East Darfur, aimed to put an end to friction between the tribes, which has occurred since April and May this year.

The agreement, facilitated by the African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur (Unamid), stipulates the dispersal of gatherings and crowds, the release two Rizeigat held by the Ma’aliya, and the release of 134 cows seized by the Ma’aliya.

The East Darfur government will pay SDG650,000 ($100,000) compensation to the Ma’aliya, which includes blood money for a member of the Ma’aliya who was killed, and more than 200 stolen cows, weapons, and the costs of a local rescue team.

Meanwhile on Monday, the Deputy Governor of East Darfur, Maj. Gen. Mohammed Al Hassan, visited Abu Karinka locality where he paid half the compensations in cash.

The Governor of East Darfur, Anas Omer has announced that a prison will be opened in the old Halfa for the ‘outlaws’ of his state.

He vowed to relieve “any Omda who does not perform his duties”, while absolving any local rescue team from prosecution while investigating robberies in the state.

