Three South Darfur youths still detained

Three youths arrested in Ed El Fursan locality in South Darfur on 25 May following a sit-in are still being held incommunicado by security forces in the state capital of Nyala.

Three youths arrested in Ed El Fursan locality in South Darfur on 25 May following a sit-in are still being held incommunicado by security forces in the state capital of Nyala.

According to a statement by the Youth Committee of Ed El Fursan, El Hadi Abdelrahman Ezzeldin, Ahmed El Sadig Saleh, and Azrag Mousa Mohamed, who were detained on 25 May, state have been held by Nyala security forces without charge and have not been released or allowed to be seen by lawyers or their families until today.

Their arrest came against the backdrop of a three-day sit-in, during which residents demand the locality’s Commissioner provide electricity, health care, and drinking water.

The statement said “the detainees, who were transferred from Ed El Fursan to Nyala, were subjected to the worst kinds of abuse and torture”.

The statement stressed the peoples’ right to protest by peaceful means guaranteed by the law and the constitution after the government’s reluctance to the performance of its duties and moral responsibilities towards them and failure of all the promises made without meeting their legitimate demands.

They demanded the immediate release of the detainees.

